Opti-Lube Single Clean Diesel Fuel System/Injector Cleaner: 1 8oz Bottle Treats up to 32 Gallons
Opti-Lube Single Clean Diesel Fuel System/Injector Cleaner: 1 8oz Bottle Treats up to 32 Gallons
Opti-Lube Single Clean Diesel Fuel System/Injector Cleaner: 1 8oz Bottle Treats up to 32 Gallons
Opti-Lube Single Clean Diesel Fuel System/Injector Cleaner: 1 8oz Bottle Treats up to 32 Gallons
Opti-Lube Single Clean
Single Clean Treatment Rate: Minimum of 1 to 512 (1/4 ounce per gallon of fuel)
-For 1 gallon, use .25 oz
-For 4 gallons, use 1 oz
-For 8 gallons, use 2 oz
-For 16 gallons, use 4 oz
-For 32 gallons, use 8 oz
Single Clean Product Sizes:
(1) 8 oz bottle treats 32 gallons of diesel fuel
Opti-Lube Single Clean is designed as a one-tank cleanup for fuel injection system deposits. The best injector cleaner we know of.
Designed for use in Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel (ULSD)
In just one tank, Opti-Lube Single Clean will reduce both nozzle deposits and internal diesel injector depostis (IDID), as well as reduce fuel consumption and emissions.
Due to Single Clean's excellent water-handling and corrosion-protection performance it is a fantastic choice for both standard and marine diesel systems.