We have new size recommendations for our new revolutionary lineup of KC300x gen 3 turbos.
Here are some of the most valuable graphs that will help show how incredible these new turbos are and show why we are changing our recommended sizes or favorite sizing for our s1, s2, and s3 turbos. This can change depending on exact customer needs and there are lots of other size injectors… these are just our favorite options from what we have tested so far.
s1 205/30
s2 238/80
s3 250/100 (maybe 250/200 as we get further into testing)
Check out this first graph below. This is testing all 3 new sizes with 205/30s. You can see minimal gains when going between the stages. That is because the truck was just out of fuel. Adding more air did not increase HP enough to justify any extra lag. s2 gains virtually nothing over s1 (reads lower but could just have been normal 1-2% variance we see in dyno runs... essentially it made the same power). The s3 had enough air to gain a little... but does not really make any sense to gain so little on the top end for all the extra lag. The 30% nozzles also really lose performance up top which makes it hard to justify the larger turbos.

This next graph starts out with 205/30 and s1... then we added 238/80s and tested all the stages which really shows big gains between the stages. In fact the s1 basically basically maxed out the 205/30 and was begging for more showing huge gains with 238/80s. That ended up being a fan favorite of many testers. S1 and s238/80s is nuts! These new turbos spool so fast and flow so much more air than anything else on the market.
And yes, in case anyone was wondering, we did notice a little extra smoke and lag down low when comparing 205/30 vs 238/80s

Next graph is the same info from above... but just showing our 2 favorite recommendations side by side.
205/30 and s1
238/80 and s2

Now something we don't normally do is post competitor data because we are not here looking for drama but we absolutely buy competitor turbos to baseline and test against our own options. You can see that even just our new s1 blows away the competition in every way.

Here is a comparison against the 38r vs our s1 with 205/30s

Our gen 2 KC300x turbos were already great options... but the gen 3 just takes everything to a whole new level. This graph below shows our new Gen3 s1 vs Gen2 s2