330cc/150% Race setup 6.0 Powerstroke

 I always see people asking about 330/150s asking about power limits. Here is a great dyno graph.

2005 6.0
330/150s and KC Modded s369
stock single HPOP
fuel only vs .136 on a conservative ramp (the wavy part of the graph is the solenoid pulsing on and off during the ramp in)
Fuel only 814hp and 1468tq
Nitrous 1061hp and 1610tq
It also has a lot more fuel left in it. So ramping in the nitrous sooner and adding a 2nd jet would make a lot more power (my guess would be 1200-1300hp). But this truck is still on stock rods and actually gets raced so we are trying to keep peak tq down.

Also added the graph showing the extra power we were able to squeeze out of the turbo with a few mods

borg 369 - 776hp and 1418tq
kc 369 - 814hp and 1468tq

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